
The PhD course in Chemistry at the University of Milan aims to train students in the critical analysis of cutting-edge scientific research problems and to provide them with the skills required to identify and pursue important research objectives. 

Every student in the Doctorate school will be able to choose and develop his own research line in all branches of chemistry and even beyond it.

While most of the research is done in the Department of Chemistry, some research lines are hosted in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences. Moreover, PhD Students have the possibility to meet highly renowned researchers from all over the world and top of the league industry leaders to enrich their personal knowledge. This is made possible thanks to the organization of meetings and seminars and also by the opportunity to spend time in research institutions abroad.

At the end of this three-year path, every student will have the skills needed to pursue a brilliant career in the industrial sector, public institutions or to follow through in academia.

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